P0868 DODGE, JEEP WRANGLER 3.8 L V6 Line Pressure Low

P0868 DODGE, JEEP WRANGLER 3.8 L V6 Line Pressure Low - Line pressure is measured by the line pressure sensor (LPS) and regulation is archived by charging the duty cycle of the pressure control solenoid (PCS) controlled by the transmission control system (5% duty cycle = solenoid off = max line pressure, 62% duty cycle = solenoid on = min line pressure). The transmission control system calculates the desired line pressure based on inputs from both the engine transmission.

P0868 DODGE, JEEP Line Pressure Low

The transmission control system calculates torque inputs to the transmission and uses it as the primary input to the desired line pressure calculation. This is called torque based line pressure. In addition, the line pressure is set to a preset level 827 or 931 kpa (120 or 135 psi) during shifts and in park and neutral to ensure consistent shift quality. The desired line pressure is continuously being compared due to the actual line pressure. If the actual line pressure is consistently lower than the target while driving, the line pressure low DTC P0868 will set.

When monitored P0868 Line Pressure Low

Continuously while driving in a forward gear.

Set condition P0868 Line Pressure Low

The Powertrain Control Module (PCM) continuously monitors actual line pressure and compares it to desired line pressure. If the actual line pressure is more than 10 psi below desired line pressure, this DTC will set.

P0868 DODGE, JEEP Line Pressure Low
Devective actual line pressure with the first gear

Possible causes P0868 Line Pressure Low

  • Check for related DTCs.
  • Low fluid level.
  • (F856) 5-volt supply circuit open.
  • (F856) 5-volt supply circuit short to ground.
  • (F856) 5-volt supply circuit short to voltage.
  • (T118) LP VFS control circuit short to another circuit.
  • Internal transmission.
  • Line pressure sensor.
  • Cracked, plugged, or mis-installed oil filter.
  • Stuck or sticking main regulator valve.
  • Powertrain Control Module (PCM).

How to fixs DTC P0868 Line Pressure Low?

Replace sensor, trans pressure transducer. Part number 05078911AA.

P0868 Line Pressure Low
Valve body Transmission type 42RLE

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